enComm Offline Media

Connecting Online Sellers to Offline Marketing

Hit A Wall With Digital Media?
Discover Our Comprehensive
New Customer Acquisition Solutions For Emerging Brands

Direct Mail & Broadcast Media

Direct Mail Hero

We Help Products Find Their Audience Through The Right Media Channel

Media Channel 1
Tear Sheets
Media Channel 2
Media Channel 3
Media Channel 4
Media Channel 5
Media Channel 6
Media Channel 7
Media Channel 8
OTT Media

Performance-Based Excellence, Zero Monthly Retainers

Unlock Success with No Strings Attached

enComm’s targeted direct mail and broadcast marketing solutions can be your game-changer. We help online merchants and subscription-based businesses acquire new customers, boost customer lifetime value, and reignite brand visibility – all through the power of offline media. Our performance-based model ensures you wave goodbye to retainers and pay only for results.

No Monthly
Acquire New
Boost Customer
Lifetime Value
Brand Visibility

Our Distinctive Offerings

Our infrastructure Becomes An Extension Of Your Brand

Hassle Free

Headless Infrastructure, Hassle-Free Success

No In-House Teams Required. Our experts take care of everything from Concept to Conversion

Setting up an offline channel is complex; let enComm be your guide and expert navigator for seamless offline channel setup. You only have to communicate your goals and media budget, we take care of everything else for you. We have established relationships with marketing experts to provide a one-stop shop for all your offline campaign needs.

Hyper-targeted marketing

We tell your story to the right audience

Unlike online ads that bombard everyone, our offline ads reach specific individuals based on their buying habits and demographics. We leverage deep insights into buyer behavior to procure look-alike customer lists, choose the right media channel, help navigate regulatory compliance, and execute everything from start to end. Your promotion doesn’t just find an audience – it lands in the hands that matter, maximizing its impact with unparalleled precision.
Conversion Focussed

Conversion-focused Content & Design:

Ads Reaching Out to Both Online and Offline Spectrums

We craft eye-catching, engaging, brand-aligned content that resonates with your target audience and motivates them to take action, whether it's calling a toll-free number to make purchases or scanning a QR code in the ad to visit your online store.


Telesales Magic to Maximize Conversions

US Live Agent interactions to maximize value in every ad inquiry.

Our commitment to driving conversions and enhancing customer lifetime value for our clients propels us to go the extra mile. Our dedicated call center agents build relationships with customers, answer questions, onboard new subscribers, and upsell or cross-sell products, maximizing the value of each interaction.


Detailed Analytics and Reporting

We provide valuable insights for continuous improvement

Our comprehensive reports track the performance of every campaign, measuring your media response rate, telesales conversions, and ROI. You'll see exactly how the offline media efforts are paying off.

Who can benefit from our service?

Most accounts are product owners who have exhausted their online playbook and are looking to acquire new customers at a low cost. We offer them an affordable way to reach a wider audience.
Healthwellness 207x217
Dietary Supp 207x217
Pet Supplies 207x217
Beauty Brands 207x217
Personal Care 207x217
Groceries 207x217
Hair Care 207x217
Streaming Services 207x217
Home Improvement 207x217
Hospitality 207x217

Catalyst for New Brands:

When your brand is new, potential leads may not actively search for you online by name.
Offline media is a great way for new brands to showcase their unique product offerings to potential customers with specific needs.


Empowering New To Market Brands:

For brands, online or on marketplaces like Amazon who have used up all the typical digital channels and want new channels to acquire customers cost-effectively, enComm offers a lifeline. Tap into a vast audience through offline media at a fraction of the cost, with call center agents guiding brand promotion, maintaining relationships, and boosting revenue.

Cut Through Digital Noise for Lasting Impressions

Offline Media Delivers Powerful Results

Compared to digital media, offline media has


higher subscription enrollment


increase in


Higher Lifetime


more reach than Facebook


higher engagement than email


Greater Brand

Enjoy prolonged visibility without extra costs, Your offline media remains in plain sight, making every impression count.

Partner with us to orchestrate a seamless offline media campaign, from concept to conversion.

Don’t wait – share your business goals with us and we’ll help reignite your growth.